A guide to government regulations for seniors

Justice42 has supported the VAR Association for Administrative Law in developing a concrete framework for a Digital Helpdesk for Seniors.

Reaching retirement age brings significant changes to seniors’ income and their rights and obligations. However, the report “Met te weinig genoegen nemen” (2022/111) by the National Ombudsman reveals that many elderly people in needy circumstances do not avail themselves of government income provisions designed to support them. The National Ombudsman identifies several underlying causes for this issue. In some cases, seniors are unaware of these income provisions, while in others, they lack the capacity to apply for them. This issue can be partly addressed by providing financially vulnerable seniors with better information and referring them to appropriate assistance. The VAR Association is taking an initial step in this direction with the Digital Helpdesk for Seniors.

Project status

The action plan was well received by a broad sounding board group with participants from the National Ombudsman, VAR Association for Administrative Law, SVB, VNG and the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations.


In collaboration with the VAR Association for Administrative Law and the National Ombudsman. The Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations has provided initial funding for this project.

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